



    Contact form

    What do you need help with?

    Choosing surface treatment on metals

    Choose a base material

    Choose surface treatment on plastic

    Plating on

    Please note that we only handle inquiries from corporations.

    Find us in Gothenburg!


    Gamlestadsvägen 303
    415 02 Göteborg

    Switch board: +46 31 430 770

    Invoices to:


    Reception/Switch Board
    Mon-Thur: 8:00am - 4:00pm
    Fri: 8:00am - 3.00pm
    Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Goods reception
    Mon-Thur: 7:00am - 4:00pm
    Fri: 7:00am - 3:00pm
    Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Find us in Anderstorp!


    Terrassvägen 4
    334 33 Anderstorp

    Switch board: +46 31 430 770

    Invoices to:


    Reception/Switch Board
    Mon-Thur: 8:00am - 4:30pm
    Fri: 8:00am - 4.00pm
    Lunch: 12:00pm - 1:00pm

    Goods reception
    Mon-Thur: 7:00am - 3:00pm
    Fri: 7:00am - 12:00pm

    Oscar Hultmark

    Business area manager Galvano

    Anders Ysing

    Production planning

    Sam Faint

    Production Planning

    Patrik Rohdin

    Production, Manual Department

    Oscar Sabel

    Quality/Industrial engineering

    Johan Linde

    Supporting engineering

    Business Area Protection & Paint

    Eric Hultmark

    Business Area Manager Protection & Paint

    Andreas Frykberg

    Deputy Business Area Manager

    Fahim Jahani

    Improvement Leader

    Alexander Franzén

    Quality engineer

    Business Area ZnFlake

    This business area offers:

    Zinc flake (Geomet®),zinc plating and Passivation on stainless steel

    Fredrik Revellé

    Business Area Manager ZnFlake

    Eide Olsson

    Quality engineering & deputy business area manager

    Colin Revellé

    Production manager

    Cornelia Revellé

    Production Planning

    Business Area Plating on Plastic

    Eric Nilsson

    Business Area Manager Plating on Plastic

    Robin Hamic

    Site manager Plating on Plastic

    Gordana Krklinska


    Johnny Green

    Industrial engineering and maintenance

    Business Area Technology

    Anders Skalsky

    CEO Technology

    Fredrik Stewart

    Laboratory manager

    Christian Werdinius

    R&D Manager

    Marie-Louise Niklasson

    Analysis manager

    Daniel Dennerbro

    Production manager

    Aldina Jamejam

    Testing Engineer


    Kristoffer Skalsky

    Logistics manager

    Marcus Strauss


    Patrik Ramfjord


    Gustav Melin


    CEO, Accounting, Procurement, Engineering

    Staffan Marklund

    Group CEO / CEO Provexa Ytbehandling

    Mikael Hultander


    Anders Sabel

    Service & Engineering

    Emma Wikfeldt

    Accounting and Procurement manager

    Åsa-Maria Lindqvist

    Accounting Assistant & Buyer

    Kawtar Bounya

    Accounting assistant

    Reporting of misconduct

    Provexa has a whistle-blowing function according to Swedish law (2021:890) on the protection of persons who report misconduct. The Whistleblower Act provides protection for people who report wrongdoing in a work-related context that is in the public interest.

    Provexa may not prevent or attempt to prevent reporting, or, because of reporting, retaliate against a reporting person. The reprisal protection also applies to the people who have assisted you in reporting.

    Click the button to get to the reporting page and read more about how it works. The page is in Swedish.