Provexa Technology invests in two new salt spray cabinets

21 February, 2023

Even though the cyclic tests are getting more common there are still some advantages with a salt spray test and a lot of standards are still referring to this as test method.

 Two new cabinets for salt fog gives the advantage that we will be able to always run the NSS testing, neutral salt spray, which is the most common method. But we will also be able to run AASS AASS (Acetic acid salt spray) or CASS (Copper-accelerated acetic acid salt spray) collateral upon request for this test methods.  

Our new cabinets are more advanced than the salt spray cabinet we had before, and we will also be able to perform condensation testing in them. This means that we will have the ability to perform corrosion testing towards different construction- and electronics standards. As an example we will be able to conduct testing according to Nordtest at Provexa. 

In addition to salt spray Provexa Technology can offer corrosion testing according to the following methods

  • Testing with thermal cycling in an environmental climate chamber 
  • Accelerated corrosion testing (ACT) 
  • Outdoor testing – weather- and scab test 

Are you interested in corrosion testing or have further questions? Contact Aldina

Porträttbild Aldina Jamejam

Aldina Jamejam

Test Engineer

Phone: +46 31 361 47 84
Mobile: +46 720 78 01 35