Anders Skalsky and Peter Stenquist present PLUTO© during Scandinavia’s largest plating conference
“5 Years ago, Provexa in Sweden started the journey from being a professional job plater to becoming an R&D company. In customer dialogues we understood that there was a strong need for substantially improved properties in corrosion protection solutions and coatings. We studied literature and research within these domains and were impressed by the properties of low dimensional carbon materials as Graphene. We launched an extensive R&D project with partners as OEM customers, Chalmers University of Technology and Chalmers Industriteknik. We defined a method for applying low dimensional carbon materials in coatings and achieved unique properties. We named it PLUTO©, that is the smallest planet far away from EARTH but we found out that despite its size – it’s a true innovation.”
You can attend Mr. Skalsky’s and Mr. Stenquist’s talk in Copenhagen the 20th of March 2019, 3:35 pm GMT+1.
See the full conference program here.